Folding Trolleys
・folding trolley in aluminium
・polypropylene handle
・dimensions open: 101x40x40 cm
・dimensions closed: 64x40x6 cm
・box of 4 pcs.
・platform measures: 38×28 cm
・2 rubber wheels diam. 125×30 mm

Technical specifications

Main material Aluminium
Number of wheels 2
Wheel type
Wheel material Rubber
Width (cm) 40
Height (cm) 64
Product width when unfolded (cm) 40
Depth of the product when open (cm) 6
Loading floor width (cm) 38
Wheel diameter (mm) 125
Maximum guaranteed capacity (kg) 70
Net weight (Kg) 3,5
Folding Yes
Product warranty (per issue-years) 2
Country of manufacture China

Accessories and spares

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